Category Archives: Tips

Salad Mix

We live in a health conscious world these days, and especially here in San Francisco, sometimes it’s hard to not feel the pressure to stay on top of it when it comes to clean and healthy eating. We all know

Salad Mix

We live in a health conscious world these days, and especially here in San Francisco, sometimes it’s hard to not feel the pressure to stay on top of it when it comes to clean and healthy eating. We all know

Baker’s Tip : Butter Wrappers

I wouldn’t call it breaking news but ask any and baker they will all tell you one of the best tricks up their sleeves is using the wrapping paper from sticks of butter to grease their baking pans. Unless specifically

Baker’s Tip : Butter Wrappers

I wouldn’t call it breaking news but ask any and baker they will all tell you one of the best tricks up their sleeves is using the wrapping paper from sticks of butter to grease their baking pans. Unless specifically

Herb Bouquets

One of my favorite ways to store fresh herbs is in vases on the kitchen counter. Simply rinse the bundle under running water, give it a shake to dry, then trim the ends and place into small containers with water.

Herb Bouquets

One of my favorite ways to store fresh herbs is in vases on the kitchen counter. Simply rinse the bundle under running water, give it a shake to dry, then trim the ends and place into small containers with water.

How to Pick a Ripe Avocado

I love avocados. They are full of great vitamins and have all the good fats to fuel your body. Their texture is soft and creamy, which enhances pretty much anything it is added to. But how do you go about

How to Pick a Ripe Avocado

I love avocados. They are full of great vitamins and have all the good fats to fuel your body. Their texture is soft and creamy, which enhances pretty much anything it is added to. But how do you go about

Under-Sink Storage Rod

This is a quick solution for those of us with limited storage space. The area under the sink is the standard place to store all our cleaning products, and by simply installing a tension curtain rod, we can now organize

Under-Sink Storage Rod

This is a quick solution for those of us with limited storage space. The area under the sink is the standard place to store all our cleaning products, and by simply installing a tension curtain rod, we can now organize

Vegetable Stock

In an effort to become even more resourceful when it comes to utilizing anything and everything that crosses my cutting board, I’ve gotten into the habit of making my own stock. Rather than tossing them into the compost bin, I’ve

Vegetable Stock

In an effort to become even more resourceful when it comes to utilizing anything and everything that crosses my cutting board, I’ve gotten into the habit of making my own stock. Rather than tossing them into the compost bin, I’ve

How to Clean Stainless Steel Cookware

Cooking on stainless steel has its advantages (better searing, the flavorful fond, non-reactive surface), but it can sometimes be a chore to clean. Grease stains appear and set in after regular use and are difficult to wash away with the

How to Clean Stainless Steel Cookware

Cooking on stainless steel has its advantages (better searing, the flavorful fond, non-reactive surface), but it can sometimes be a chore to clean. Grease stains appear and set in after regular use and are difficult to wash away with the

How to (Properly) Caramelize Onions

In our current climate of easy recipes and quick cooking, sautéing onions until they are browned (or “caramel” colored) have become synonymous with being caramelized onions. For most people, it is perfectly acceptable; they are nicely flavored and lightly roasted,

How to (Properly) Caramelize Onions

In our current climate of easy recipes and quick cooking, sautéing onions until they are browned (or “caramel” colored) have become synonymous with being caramelized onions. For most people, it is perfectly acceptable; they are nicely flavored and lightly roasted,

How to Make Vanilla Extract

If you like to bake, then you know vanilla extract is one of your best friends in the kitchen. It goes into just about everything because its subtle flavor and aroma enhances whatever it is paired with. Which brings me

How to Make Vanilla Extract

If you like to bake, then you know vanilla extract is one of your best friends in the kitchen. It goes into just about everything because its subtle flavor and aroma enhances whatever it is paired with. Which brings me

Quick + Easy Party Favors: Cookie Satchels

Whenever I have company over, I make it a point to always put my best foot forward, from the moment my guests arrive, up to the moment they leave to go home for the night. We get together for drinks,

Quick + Easy Party Favors: Cookie Satchels

Whenever I have company over, I make it a point to always put my best foot forward, from the moment my guests arrive, up to the moment they leave to go home for the night. We get together for drinks,

Jeweled Eggs (An Easter Project)

With every new spring season comes new a fresh new beginning. The trees begin to wake up, flowers start to appear, and the daylight lingers a little bit longer each day. As Easter approaches, so does one of my favorite

Jeweled Eggs (An Easter Project)

With every new spring season comes new a fresh new beginning. The trees begin to wake up, flowers start to appear, and the daylight lingers a little bit longer each day. As Easter approaches, so does one of my favorite

/ Tips

How to Hold a Knife (Pinch Grip)

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in getting beautiful ingredients and trying new recipes that we forget that we should also spend time on the basics. Properly handling a knife is, in my opinion, one of the essential skills we

/ Tips

How to Hold a Knife (Pinch Grip)

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in getting beautiful ingredients and trying new recipes that we forget that we should also spend time on the basics. Properly handling a knife is, in my opinion, one of the essential skills we

A Small Shelf Project

I have a small (24 inches) shelf on my kitchen wall that I use to hold bottles. It works wonderfully well, doubling both as storage and a quaint display above my sink. But then, a little light bulb went on

A Small Shelf Project

I have a small (24 inches) shelf on my kitchen wall that I use to hold bottles. It works wonderfully well, doubling both as storage and a quaint display above my sink. But then, a little light bulb went on

Melting Chocolate

Here is a little tip for melting chocolate: though using a double boiler is the traditional norm, I find this set-up of using a wider skillet to be easier and more efficient. Let’s break it down shall we? I’ll start

Melting Chocolate

Here is a little tip for melting chocolate: though using a double boiler is the traditional norm, I find this set-up of using a wider skillet to be easier and more efficient. Let’s break it down shall we? I’ll start

Broccoli Coins

Have you ever wondered why you can get broccoli by the bunch or by the crowns? Why the two options if essentially they are both the same? Broccoli stalks are an often-overlooked part of the vegetable, so much so that

Broccoli Coins

Have you ever wondered why you can get broccoli by the bunch or by the crowns? Why the two options if essentially they are both the same? Broccoli stalks are an often-overlooked part of the vegetable, so much so that

How To (More Properly) Cook Bacon

There are many ways out there to cook bacon, and I’m sure a quick online search will yield an infinite number of clever recipes. Which is great and I will no doubt eventually try a number of them. I find

How To (More Properly) Cook Bacon

There are many ways out there to cook bacon, and I’m sure a quick online search will yield an infinite number of clever recipes. Which is great and I will no doubt eventually try a number of them. I find

A Cooking Station

For those of you with an inquiring spirit, here is a snapshot of my cooking workspace. I recently took stock of what I have and the things that I actually use. I did a little bit of planning, and then

A Cooking Station

For those of you with an inquiring spirit, here is a snapshot of my cooking workspace. I recently took stock of what I have and the things that I actually use. I did a little bit of planning, and then

My Cast Iron: a follow-up to a previous post

A while ago, I acquired a trio of new, un-seasoned cast iron skillets. I used them as an opportunity to share with you the process to properly season and care for your cast iron tools. If you haven’t read that

My Cast Iron: a follow-up to a previous post

A while ago, I acquired a trio of new, un-seasoned cast iron skillets. I used them as an opportunity to share with you the process to properly season and care for your cast iron tools. If you haven’t read that

Wood Cutting Board Care (aka Oiling)

I am a fan and advocate of wood cutting boards.  They have been in use for hundreds of years, and to this day still are used in the same way as by our predecessors.  With the introduction of plastic cutting

Wood Cutting Board Care (aka Oiling)

I am a fan and advocate of wood cutting boards.  They have been in use for hundreds of years, and to this day still are used in the same way as by our predecessors.  With the introduction of plastic cutting

DIY Brunch

Let’s face it, times are tough and most of us are just hoping to make it through on our shrinking budgets.  But don’t think for a second just because you are cutting out luxury that you cannot still enjoy the

DIY Brunch

Let’s face it, times are tough and most of us are just hoping to make it through on our shrinking budgets.  But don’t think for a second just because you are cutting out luxury that you cannot still enjoy the

/ Tips

Silicone Baking Mat

Sil-pad, silicone sheet, rubber non-stick mat….this miraculous little wonder goes by many names.  But whatever you call it, this invaluable tool is a must-have in every baker’s confectionary arsenal.  With this sheet of silicone, you’ll never need to grease a

/ Tips

Silicone Baking Mat

Sil-pad, silicone sheet, rubber non-stick mat….this miraculous little wonder goes by many names.  But whatever you call it, this invaluable tool is a must-have in every baker’s confectionary arsenal.  With this sheet of silicone, you’ll never need to grease a

/ Tips

Simple Syrup

Simple syrup is exactly that: simple.  It is a 1:1 ratio of sugar and water that is boiled together.  Once cooled, it has many uses.  Use it to make lemonade, sweeten your drinks, drizzle it on sliced fruit or ice-cream…

/ Tips

Simple Syrup

Simple syrup is exactly that: simple.  It is a 1:1 ratio of sugar and water that is boiled together.  Once cooled, it has many uses.  Use it to make lemonade, sweeten your drinks, drizzle it on sliced fruit or ice-cream…

Seasoning Cast Iron

Everyone knows that the cast iron skillet is the quintessential tried-and-true original non-stick pan.  What most people might not know are the little tips and tricks needed to keep that iron performing at its best. The most essential feature of

Seasoning Cast Iron

Everyone knows that the cast iron skillet is the quintessential tried-and-true original non-stick pan.  What most people might not know are the little tips and tricks needed to keep that iron performing at its best. The most essential feature of